[VR游戏] 数字求生(Last Byte Standing)中文版百度云下载
[VR游戏] 数字求生(Last Byte Standing)中文版是一款射击求生类型的游戏,玩法内容非常有趣,感兴趣的朋友不要错过,快来下载体验一下吧
When the universe is occupied by vicious ill-shaped invaders the last hope lies in an elite hunter, sent to liberate the realm. Take the mantle of a prominent cosmic veteran and survive in a cubic galaxy not so far away! Use nine distinct weapons, including powerful two-handed machines of total destruction, to obliterate multiple waves of enemies. Last Byte Standing takes place in a cubic universe occupied by ill-shaped invaders. Player takes the role of an elite hunter eliminating deadly enemies. Equipped with various powerful laser weapons he fights for liberation of a digital realm. You can also provide your own image files for the enemies and bullets! Check Images directory in the game folder for more info! Three months in the making. Tens of hours put into development and design. Last Byte Standing is a labor of passion and engagemnt by its independent developers. With its unique, stylized 80s-like graphics Last Byte Standing adds some freshness to the VR FPs genre. LBS' polished, minimalist visual language helps you concentrate on the most important - on the fluidity of gameplay and cosmic excitemnet of shooting.
PC《VR战士5 R.E.V.O.》v1.01版
PC《VR战士5 R.E.V.O.》v1.01版的角色数量真的太丰富了,一共有15个可供选择,每个角色都有独特的技能和魅力,真的是让人眼花缭乱!平衡性上做得相当棒,不管你喜欢攻击型、辅助型,还是更偏向防守型的角色,每个都可以发挥得淋漓
PC《COLD VR》免安装国内全网独家首发【百度】
PC《COLD VR》免安装国内全网独家首发【百度】,当玩家放慢自己的动作时,时间将会加速流动,这意味着敌人 AI 的行动速度将大幅提升。换句话说,如果在游戏中花费太多时间思考,那么很可能会迅速陷入险境。