【Xbox360】《恶魔城:暗影之王2 Castlevania: Lords of Shadow》金手指下载

作者 游戏~年轮用户上传   2021-09-09 14:48:25

  【Xbox360】《恶魔城:暗影之王2 Castlevania: Lords of Shadow》金手指下载,下面为玩家带来的是恶魔城系列的一款游戏的金手指内容,有需要的玩家可以来试试。

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

macelo +7 Final/TU0-1 +7

  1-Infinite Health (無限血量)

  2-Easy Kill* (瞬殺)

  3-Infinite Void Magic (無限Void魔法 )

  4-Infinite Chaos Magic(無限Chaos魔法 )

  5-Infinite Items (道具無限)

  6-Max Dungeon Keys (無限Dungeon鑰匙)

  7-999,990 Skill Points – If has no effect after Enabled Cheat, choose Return to CheckPoint after the next Cut Scene)(技能點數999,990,如果啟用後沒有效果,請在下一個過場動畫之後選擇讀取回到最近的紀錄點)

  9-Disable All(取消全部功能)

  *Enable after Grab (B for Finishing Move) Tutorial


TU0-1 +7 On a New Game, Disable Infinite HP when you fight the first Goat monster

for people who couldn't get Skill Points to work on TU0, please test it again with the new update


macelo +5

  1-Infinite Health

  2-1 Hit Kill

  3-Infinite Magic

  4-Infinite Items

  5-Max Dungeon Keys

  9-Disable All



  MEDIA ID 2996007C TITLE ID 4B4E084D TU = 0

  1) God | 2) Instant Kill | 3) Inf Void Magic | 4) Inf Projectiles

  5) Inf Chaos Magic | 6) Inf Focus | 7) Max Skill Pts | 8) Inf Possession

  9) Inf Potions

  555) Enable All | 999) Disable All

Note : do not use max skill points cheat until you are in game and your save is loaded!

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