【Xbox360】《求生指南 How to Survive》XBLA金手指下载

作者 游戏~年轮用户上传   2021-09-10 15:57:00

  【Xbox360】《求生指南 How to Survive》XBLA金手指下载,How to Survive是一款以生存为主题的动作冒险游戏,喜欢这款游戏的玩家也可以来关注一下它的金手指内容。

How to Survive

BACK+START 打开金手指菜单

  Title ID: 584113E8

  Media ID: 1052EEE3


  TU: 0

  Compatible Dashboards: All

  GOD Mode

  INF Stamina

  XP Mod

  Skill points Mod

  Weapon Stays on Fire

  INF Ammo

  INF Hunger

  INF Thirst

  Unlock Potions at any point in the game (all 3 of them)

  INF Potions (all 3 of them)

  No Reload

  INF Tiredness

  Enable all Mods

  Disable all Mods

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