【Xbox360】《蓝龙 Blue Dragon》金手指下载

作者 游戏~年轮用户上传   2021-09-11 11:51:32

  【Xbox360】《蓝龙 Blue Dragon》金手指下载,Blue Dragon是一款非常出色的动作角色扮演游戏,下面为玩家朋友们准备了这款游戏的金手指,有需要的可以来试试。

Blue Dragon

lllccc +6

对应日版 BACK+START 打开金手指菜单

  Title ID .........: 4D5307DF

  Media ID .........:5ED5EFB8

  Max Characters Stats (LB + A)

  Max Gold (LB + B )

  Item Multiplier (LB + X)

  Quickly Gain Sp (LB + Y)

  Quick Level Up (RB + A)

  Max Medals (RB +X )

Max Characters Stats:When You Save And Leave The Game And Start Up Again The Stats Will Reset

Like You Never Had The Cheats On (To Change The Stats Of The Character Go To The Second Option

In The Menu "Shadow" And Change One Of The Skill Or Weapon) (There's A Small Chance You Have To Turn Off The Cheats Before Fighting A Member Of Your Team Before You Get Them)



BACK+START 打开金手指菜单

  MEDIA ID 3A702998 TITLE ID 4D5307DFTU = 0

  1) Max God Shu | 2) Max God Jiro | 3) Max God Kluke | 4) Max God Zola

  5) Max God Marumaro | 6) Super Speed | 7) Max Money

  8) Max EXP & Level | 9) Max SP

  555) Enable All | 666) Search Offsets | 999) Disable All

读取存档后 开启金手指先执行666选项 等提示Search Has Finished后再使用其他选项

This Game Has User Cheat Control For Cheats 1,2,3,4,5

    用户名: 密码: 匿名评论
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