【Xbox360】《丧尸围城 Dead Rising》金手指下载

作者 游戏~年轮用户上传   2021-09-16 16:52:43

  【Xbox360】《丧尸围城 Dead Rising》金手指下载,丧尸围城是一款以打丧尸为主要内容的动作冒险游戏,喜欢这款游戏的玩家也可以来关注一下它的金手指内容。

Dead Rising

t3fury AllTU +6

BACK+↑ 或 START+↑ 打开金手指菜单

  Title ID 434307D2

  TU All

  Dpad Up(x4) - Activate All Codes

  Dpad Down(x4) - View All Codes

  RT(x4) - Inf Health

  RB(x4) - Max PP/Level

  LT(x4) - Inf Ammo

  LB(x4) - Inf Weapon Health

  Y(x4) - Reset The Timer

  X(x4) - Max Kill Count



BACK+↑ 打开金手指菜单

  Title ID: 434307D2

  Media ID: 633ECD10

  Title Update Needed: None

  Region: PAL

  1: GodMode

  2: SuperSpeed

  3: SuperPunch

  4: Add 53000 Kills



BACK+START 打开金手指菜单

  MEDIA ID 346795BB TITLE ID 434307D2 TU = 0

  1) God | 2) Inf Ammo | 3) Max Stats & PP & Level & Unlock Skills | 4) Max Kills

  555) Enable All | 999) Disable All


Mr Spliffs +4

BACK+START 打开金手指菜单

  LB(x4) - Max Level(Get some more PP to level up

  RB(x4) - Kills Set to 53k

  Y(x4) - Run Speed(x2)(Need to exit area for it to load)(leveling up may reset this)

  十字键↑(x4) - One Hit Kill(Need to exit area for it to load)(leveling up may reset this)

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