【Xbox360】《死亡岛:年度版 Dead Island》金手指下载

作者 游戏~年轮用户上传   2021-09-18 10:16:46

  【Xbox360】《死亡岛:年度版 Dead Island》金手指下载,死亡岛:年度版是一款非常出色的动作冒险游戏,下面为玩家准备了这款游戏的金手指内容。

Dead Island

t3fury AllTU +10 START+↑ 或 BACK+↑ 打开金手指菜单

  Title ID 4B4D07DF

  Media ID ALL


  Dpad Up(x4) - Activate All Codes

  Dpad Down(x4) - View All Codes

  RT(x4) - Inf Health

  RB(x4) - One Hit Kill

  LT(x4) - Inf Ammo

  LB(x4) - Inf Stamina

  LB(x3)+RB - Inf Cash

  Y(x4) - Max XP

  Y+X(x3) - Inf Items

  X(x4) - Inf Light/Weapons Don't Break

下面的是快捷键操作 不包括在打开全部金手指的功能中

  A+↑ - Inf Rage

Inf Items requires gaining 2 of the same (eg 2 scrap metal) and then dropping or using one and you will now be left 99 in your inventory, repeat this for all items



  [TitleID] = 4B4D07DF

  [MediaID] = 02C977C2

  [TU] = 0

  [Cheat Options] 1) GOD | 2) Max Level | 3) Inf Torch | 4) Max Money | 5) Inf Stamina | 6) Instant Kill | 7) No Weapon Damage | 8) Inf Frenzy | 9) Inf Ammo + No-Reload |555) Enable All | 999) Disable All

Note : For inf frenzy cheat enable then turn on in game with D PAD-LEFT! and turn off with D PAD-RIGHT!


nercore V0.1

  Inf Health

  Inf Fury

  Kill All Zombies ( all zombies close to you will die instantly)

  Inf Ammo/No Reload

  Inf Stamina

  Inf Money

  Max XP

  Super Speed

  Unl Weapon Durability

  [Teleport] Save Position

  [Teleport] Load Position

  [Teleport] Undo last Teleport

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