【Xbox360】《异形:殖民军 Aliens: Colonial Marines》金手指下载

作者 游戏~年轮用户上传   2021-09-18 14:55:24

  【Xbox360】《异形:殖民军 Aliens: Colonial Marines》金手指下载这是一款以异形电影为背景改编的动作冒险游戏,下面为玩家准备了这款游戏的金手指内容。

Aliens: Colonial Marines

t3fury TU6 +2 fixed

BACK+↑ 或 START+↑ 打开金手指菜单

  Title ID 5345080C

  Media ID 4FB3C8B1

  TU 6

  Dpad Up(x4) - Activate All Codes

  Dpad Down(x4) - View All Codes

  RT(x4) - Inf Health

  LT(x4) - Inf Ammo

nercore TU2 v0.1

BACK+START 打开金手指菜单

  Inf Health

  Inf Armor

  Inf Ammo/Grenades

  Super Speed

  Super Sprint

  Super Jump

  Slow Enemies

  [Teleport] Save LB + X

  [Teleport] Load LB + Y

  [Teleport] Undo last Teleport RB + Y

  [Teleport] Teleport to Partner RB + X (sometimes buggy when you have more than one partner)

Teleport Note: You can load your saved Position at anytime, even after map reloads/changes



BACK+START 打开金手指菜单

  Inf Health

  One Hit Kills

  No Reload/Inf Ammo/Grenades

  Increased Kill Count (Use once or twice and disable)


Errorjack V0.1

BACK+START 打开金手指菜单

  Infinite Health (NOTE: Gives to ALL enemies as well, sorry :/)

  Infinite Ammo + Equipment

  Infinite Item Points (Currency for buying attachments to your wehponz)

  Enable all cheats

  Disable all cheats

进入主菜单 退出游戏或者开始游戏前请先关闭金手指 游戏中再开启

    用户名: 密码: 匿名评论
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