【Xbox360】《魂斗罗:铁血兵团 反叛 Hard Corps: Uprising》金手指下载
【Xbox360】《魂斗罗:铁血兵团 反叛 Hard Corps: Uprising》金手指下载,这是一款玩法很经典的动作冒险游戏,喜欢这款游戏的玩家也可以来关注一下它的金手指内容。
Trainee+ AURORA
MEDIA = ID 3C5663CB TITLE = ID 58410A18
TU1 +3
TU = 1
1) Demi God
2) Score
3) CP
BACK+START 打开金手指菜单
Title ID: 58410A18
Media ID: 3C5663CB
TU1 +4
Works with TU 1 -- and All DLC Characters
Trainer Options::
1- Inf Lives
2- Inf Health Bar
3- Inf CP (corporative Points)
4- Invincible Mode (GOD mode-never lose your weapon)
9- Disable All
BACK+START 打开金手指菜单
Title ID:58410A18
TU1 +9
1. Lives Increase after killed
2. Infinite Health*
3. Invincible after got hit
4. Keep Weapon after got hit
5. Combo x100
6. CP increase on Buy
7. Infinite Jump + Air Dash
8. 1 hit kill Boss**
*If you fall down to railroad on Stage 6 or touch Electric Wall in Stage 8, Disable Infinite Health
**Disable 1 hit kill in Stage 5 mid Boss
Hidden Cheat 9: No Penalties,
if you want to get these achievements easier: push LB+RB+UP = ON , LB+RB+DOWN = OFF
25G [ARCADE MODE] Clear all missions without defeating more than 50 Privates.
25G [ARCADE MODE] Clear all missions without picking up any weapon items
30G [ARCADE MODE] Clear all missions without dying