【Xbox360】《热血无赖 Sleeping Dogs》金手指下载

作者 游戏~年轮用户上传   2021-09-25 15:05:42

  【Xbox360】《热血无赖 Sleeping Dogs》金手指下载,热血无赖是一款动作冒险类游戏,剧情和玩法都非常不错,喜欢这款游戏的玩家也可以来关注一下它的金手指。

 Sleeping Dogs


  MEDIA ID = 76B40B17 TITLE ID = 53510811

  TU1 +4

  TU = 1

  1) HK Mod (Money)

  2) GOD Mode

  3) INF Ammo

  4) Inf Facetime



BACK+↑ 打开金手指菜单

  Title ID: 58411427

  Media ID: 5ADCD857

  AllTU +10


  ~~~Money MOD~~~

  (Never Decrease/Quick Gain/Gain on Spend/Parking Meters pay big)

  ~~~Infinite Health~~~

  ~~~Infinite Facetime~~~

  ~~~Infinite Ammo~~~

  ~~~No Timer (most Events)~~~

  ~~~Quick Face XP~~~

  ~~~Quick Cop XP***~~~

  ~~~Quick Triad XP***~~~

  ~~~Easy Triad Medals (in Mission)~~~

  ~~~Easy Cop Medals (in Mission)~~~

  ~~~Enable All~~~

***USE COP/TRIAD XP at own risk! I have adjusted the amount you gain to ~ double xp, however you will NOT gain multiple skill points if you jump more than 1 level in a mission.**




  Health, Armor, Quick Fix, Unlimited Underwater, Add Money, Increase Rucksack, Fill

  XP, Skill Points, Indestructible Vehicle, Unlimited Ammo, No Reload, Unlimited

  Grenades, Invisible, Unlock Skills, View Map, Easy Crafting, Unlock Shop Items,

  Unlock Weapon Slots, Instant Tag Enemies, Super Accuracy/No Recoil



BACK+↓ 打开金手指菜单

  Title ID: 53510811 NTSC/U

  Media ID: 76B40B17

  TU1 +3

  Title Update Needed: TU-1

  1- Fast Gain HK (Honk Kong Dollars) (thanks to XPGSensi420)

  2- Infinite Ammo All Weapons

  3- Instant Full FaceTime (Refill Health)

  66- Enable All Codes

  99- Disable All Codes



BACK+START 打开金手指菜单


  HK Mod (Cash)

  INF Health (GOD MODE)

  INF Ammo

  INF Facetime

  Disable all Mods

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