【Xbox360】《鬼泣4 Devil May Cry 4》金手指下载

作者 游戏~年轮用户上传   2021-09-25 15:56:42

  【Xbox360】《鬼泣4 Devil May Cry 4》金手指下载,鬼泣4是经典动作冒险游戏鬼泣系列的第四代作品,下面为玩家准备了这款游戏的金手指内容。

Devil May Cry 4

t3fury AllTU +7

BACK+↑ 或 START+↑ 打开金手指菜单

  Title ID 434307DF

  TU All

  Dpad Up(x4) - Activate All Codes

  Dpad Down(x4) - View All Codes

  RT(x4) - Inf Health

  RB(x4) - 1 Hit Kill

  RB(x3)+LB - No Kill (Added By Request)

  LT(x4) - Inf Red Orbs

  LB(x4) - Inf Devil Trigger

  Y(x4) - Inf Skill Points

  X(x4) - Inf Timer


alexkyori +12 汉化版

  1-Inf Devil Trigger

  2-Inf Exceed Lv3 Charge (Nero Sword)

  3-Inf Royal Guard Bar (Inf Dante Dreadnaught Form-first you have to charge the bar)

  4-Inf Pandora Bar (First you have to charge the bar)

  5-Inf Vital Star L (you need to buy 1 or find 1)

  6-Inf Devil Star L (you need to buy 1 or find 1)

  7-Inf Holy Water (you need to buy 1 or find 1)

  8-Inf Red Orbs (only enable for buy items,disable it after purchasing items)

  9-Inf Proud Souls (only enable for buy skills,disable it after purchasing skills)

  10-Inf Vital Star S (you need to buy 1 or find 1)

  11-Inf Devil Star S (you need to buy 1 or find 1)



  Inf Health

  One Hit Kills

  Increased Red Orbs

  Max Vital Star S (After you buy 1)

  Max Vital Star M (After you buy 1)

  Max Vital Star L (After you buy 1)

  Holy Water (After you buy 1)

  Inf Health Upgrades (Does seems to have max for bars)

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