【Xbox360】《狼人血统 Blood of the Werewolf》XBLA金手指下载

作者 游戏~年轮用户上传   2021-09-07 15:55:51

  【Xbox360】《狼人血统 Blood of the Werewolf》金手指下载,Blood of the Werewolf是一款横版过关类型的动作游戏,喜欢这款游戏的玩家也可以来关注一下它的金手指。

Blood of the Werewolf

+7 BACK+↓ 打开金手指菜单

  Title Id:5841142E

  TU: 0

BACK+↑ 打开战役菜单1

  Sewers: Inf Health Inf Special

  Docks: Inf Health Inf Specials

  Factory: Inf Health Inf Specials

  Labratory: Inf Health Inf Special

  City: Inf Health Inf Special

BACK+→ 打开战役菜单2

  Tower: Inf Health Inf Special

  Woods: Inf Health Inf Special

  Graveyard: Inf Health Inf Special

  Skyway: Inf Health Inf Special

  Lair: Inf Health Inf Special


  Creature: Inf Health Inf Special 1 Hit Ko

  Mr.Hyde: Inf Health Inf Special 1 Hit Ko

  Dracula: Inf Health Inf Special 1 Hit Ko

  Mummy: Inf Health Inf Special 1 Hit Ko

  Monster: Inf Health Inf Special 1 Hit Ko

START+← 打开Mini Game菜单

  Endless: Inf Health Inf Special Max Lives

  Score Rush: Quick Max Score

****** This game is very picky, every level changes offsets so make sure to turn off cheats before leaving level or you will get crash*****

**Turn off score mod after using**

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