【Xbox360】《狙击精英3 Sniper Elite 3》金手指下载

作者 游戏~年轮用户上传   2021-09-08 11:34:32

  【Xbox360】《狙击精英3 Sniper Elite 3》金手指下载,狙击精英3是经典动作射击游戏系列的一部作品,喜欢这款游戏的玩家也可以来关注一下它的金手指内容哦。

Sniper Elite 3

  losparo (对应终极版)

BACK+↑ 打开金手指菜单

  Title ID: 464F0803

  Media ID: 4F384D1A

  AllTU +6


  ~~~Quick Score Survival~~~

  ~~~Quick Max Experience~~~

  ~~~Infinite Focus/BPM Mod~~~

  ~~~Infinite Ammo/Grenades/Health Kit/No Reload~~~

  ~~~Infinite Health~~~

  ~~~1 Hit KO ~~~

  ~~~Enable All~~~



  MEDIA = ID 7DB2757E TITLE = ID 464F0803

  TU5 +8

  TU = 5

  1) Inf Ammo + No Reload + Grenades + Items

  2) God Mode

  3) Instant kill

  4) Inf Focus + No Increase Bpm

  5) Max Exp + Level

  6) Enemy's Blind

  7) Easy Score Challenges

  8) Kills Mod Challenges



BACK+↓ 打开金手指菜单

  Title ID: 464F0803

  Media ID: 7DB2757E

  TU1 +7

  TU > 1

  -Inf Health

  -1 Hit Kill -- Warning: Use This Cheat With Precaution In Some Missions need Disable

  -Inf Ammo-Nades-Rocks-All Items

  -Inf Focus Time

  -Fast Level UP Fixed on June 30 -Unlocks All Weapons and Items

  -Inf Sprint

  -NO Alerts ( Dumb IA)



BACK+↑ 或 START+↑ 打开金手指菜单

  Title ID 464F0803

  TU1 +8

  Dpad Up(x4) - Activate All Codes

  Dpad Down(x4) - View All Codes

  RT(x4) - Inf Health

  RB(x4) - One Hit Kill

  LT(x4) - Inf Ammo

  LB(x4) - 0 Bpm Limit & Bpm Doesn't Increase

  Y(x4) - Fast XP

  X(x4) - Inf Focus

  YXYX - 30K kill (Survival Mode)

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