【PS3】 美国职棒大联盟07(MLB 07:The Show) 美版下载
游戏名称:美国职棒大联盟2007 、MLB美国职业棒球大联盟 07
英文名称:MLB 07 - The Show
The innovative Road to The Show mode enables fans to play solely as a custom-created rookie on both offense and defense while attempting to rise through the ranks and make a starting line-up in the Big Leagues. Adding to its already robust online feature set, the MLB franchise now includes Online League Play, which gives gamers the ability to set up leagues with up to 30 teams, complete statistical tracking, point benefits and full customization, while the My Sliders feature allows users to create their perfect game settings and upload them to the MLB 07 The Show server for others to try out.
美国SCEA 的《MLB 07 TheShow》游戏。本作是一款以真实著称的棒球游戏,游戏中的人物都是实际中存在的人物,包括球队资料,以及实时统计功能,玩家可以和朋友通过无线网络进行对战。游戏中你可以组建你自己的梦之队,召集各路棒球英豪。游戏有5种游戏模式,包括全明星和本垒打模式。将会最大的发挥PS3主机的性能,还原出一个接近真实的比赛。