switch《Soralio Cooperation mystery solving game》英文版nsp/xci整合版下载【含1.0.1补丁】

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  switch《Soralio Cooperation mystery solving game》英文版下载,下面为玩家介绍的是一款风格简约的冒险解密游戏,玩家需要通过合作来进行解密和逃脱。

  What is Solario

  This game is a mystery solving game played by two people.Let's solve the mysteries that appear one after another by talking.

  Communication is the key.

  The mysteries that appear are all mysteries that cannot be solved by one person.Tell your partner exactly what information you have.

  Even children can solve it. Even adults can't solve it.

  The mystery itself can be solved even by children.However, there are some mysteries that require inspiration, so even adults may find it difficult to solve.

  No language

  There is no mystery using a specific language.


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