MKVToolNix 电脑端下载-MKVToolNix 格式制作工具

作者 柚仙儿   2020-06-03 09:40:16




  # Version 47.0.0 “Black Flag” 2020-05-30#

  # New features and enhancements* mkvmerge: chapters: mkvmerge can now read chapters from DVDs if the user

  specifies the path to a DVD folder structure via the `–chapters …`

  parameter. By default chapters from the first title will be imported. This

  can be changed by append `:

  `–chapters …` argument, e.g. `–chapters /srv/dvds/BigBuckBunny/VIDEO_TS:3`

  This feature requires mkvmerge to have been built with the `libdvdread`

  library. Part of the implementation of #2808.

  * mkvmerge: added `–engage append_and_split_flac` that enables mkvmerge to

  append and split FLAC tracks, restoring pre-v45 behavior. The resulting

  tracks will be broken: the official FLAC tools will not be able to decode

  them and seeking will not work as expected.

  * MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: added support for mkvmerge’s new support for

  reading chapters from DVDs if both have been built with the `libdvdread`

  library. Part of the implementation of #2808.

  * MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: when deriving languages from file names the GUI

  will now look for simplified language names instead of the full ones

  (e.g. instead of looking for “Greek, Modern (1453-)” it would simply look

  for “Greek”).

  * MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: the options in the “additional command-line

  options” dialog are now sorted alphabetically. Additionally the

  `–append-mode` option has been added as one of the only missing global


  * MKVToolNix GUI: chapter editor: the chapter editor can now read chapters

  from DVDs if MKVToolNix has been build with the `libdvdread` library. Part

  of the implementation of #2808.

  * MKVToolNix GUI: header editor: added an option in the preferences for

  displaying all date & time values in UTC instead of the local time

  zone. Implements #2814.## Bug fixes* all: fixed a crash when using the `MTX_LOGGER=file` syntax for logging debug

  messages without specifying a file name to log to. It will now log to a file

  called `mkvtoolnix-debug.log` in the system’s default temporary directory,

  as initially intended.## Build system changes* The [`libdvdread`](

  library will be used if found via `pkg-config`. If it is found, support for

  reading chapters from DVDs will be enabled in `mkvmerge` and the MKVToolNix

  GUI. Part of the implementation of #2808.

  * Boost’s Date/Time, Lexical Cast, Range, Range Adaptors, Tri-Bool, Variant

  libraries are not used anymore.

  * MKVToolNix now requires a C++ compiler & standard library that support the

  following features of the C++17 standard: “`std::variant`”, “`std::gcd`”.

  For the GNU Compiler Collection (gcc) this means v7 or newer; for clang it

  means v4 or newer — the same versions required by earlier MKVToolNix


  * MKVToolNix now requires version 6.1.0 of fmtlib or later for the

  `fmt::to_string` function and bugfixes to the formatting of floating point

  numbers. If a system-wide version is installed that’s older, the bundled

  copy will be used.

  * The bundled version of fmtlib has been updated to release 6.2.1.

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